At Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, our science curriculum fosters curiosity and encourages pupils to thrive. Science surrounds us and provides insights into many of life's questions. By implementing the White Rose Science Curriculum, we aim to equip all children with the skills, resilience, and knowledge essential for a future shaped by scientific advancements.
A Lenthall scientist will develop various scientific skills and build a strong foundation of knowledge, vocabulary, and understanding. Pupils will learn to effectively discuss scientific facts and data, nurturing critical and creative thinkers.
Scientific enquiry skills are woven throughout the curriculum. A core element of the White Rose Science Curriculum is its progressive planning, building on prior learning to prepare pupils for future studies in junior school. This approach empowers each child to become an independent learner, exploring answers to scientific questions.
The Science National Curriculum outlines key study programmes and strands of learning for all pupils in Key Stage 1. The EYFS statutory framework also includes essential concepts for budding scientists across various strands. Our science curriculum is planned and taught half-termly, combining adult-directed teaching with enhanced and continuous provision. These elements connect directly to the half-termly learning challenges in both Nursery and Reception, encouraging children to engage their senses through hands-on exploration of natural materials and the world around them.
At Lenthall, we ensure all units of science, as outlined in statutory guidance, are covered annually. We follow the carefully sequenced White Rose Science Curriculum, promoting skill development and knowledge progression. White Rose Science plans the timing of units to optimise learning opportunities throughout the academic year. For instance, Seasonal Changes is studied in Year One across the year, allowing pupils to apply their knowledge to all seasons. Additionally, the Plants unit is taught in the summer term for both Year One and Year Two, ensuring outdoor learning experiences are maximised. In Year Two, Plants is revisited in Spring, allowing pupils to enhance their practical skills and retain knowledge through reinforcement.
Curriculum Overview:
Our curriculum overview outlines when each unit is taught across all year groups. Our progression map illustrates how skills and knowledge build annually, ensuring attainment targets are securely met by the end of each key stage.
Working Scientifically is central to our science curriculum, woven throughout all strands across year groups. Practical investigations and opportunities to develop core scientific skills are systematically integrated, fostering an exciting and progressive learning environment. At Lenthall, we embrace the ethos of ‘hands on, heads on,’ which greatly influenced our choice to implement the White Rose Science scheme. This curriculum includes enquiry questions and practical activities in every lesson, ensuring consistent engagement across all year groups.
We aim for pupils to plan and conduct scientific enquiries independently and collaboratively with diverse peers. By emphasising a hands-on approach, children actively participate, transforming them from passive listeners into engaged learners. This practical experience not only deepens their understanding of scientific concepts but also prepares them for junior school and beyond.
Real-Life Connections:
At Lenthall, we integrate 'real life' links in our science lessons to make learning understandable, accessible, and relevant. Children are rarely presented with abstract concepts; instead, they engage with thought-provoking enquiry questions that connect unfamiliar scientific ideas to relatable real-world scenarios.
We prioritise environmental awareness and sustainability, teaching two dedicated blocks each year focused on these critical themes. Our aim is to empower our Lenthall learners to make a significant impact on the planet, fostering pride in their achievements among all who know them.
The impact of our science curriculum at Lenthall is continuously monitored through formative and summative assessment opportunities. Lessons are carefully planned using the National Curriculum and the White Rose Science Curriculum to ensure assessment occurs in every lesson. We utilise Success Criteria and a small steps approach to facilitate ongoing assessment of pupil attainment and progress on a lesson-by-lesson basis.
Assessment for learning strategies, lesson visits, book looks, and records of staff and pupil voice all contribute to accurate judgements and maintain a consistent assessment approach throughout the school.
A Lenthall learner graduates equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in their junior school journey, becoming innovative and resourceful members of society.
Our Ultimate End Goal:
What will our scientists be able to do when they leave us?
By the end of their learning journey at Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, our young scientists will have developed a comprehensive understanding of how science explains the world around them, predicts behaviours, and analyses cause and effect.
They will confidently articulate scientific concepts using precise scientific vocabulary. Through engaging scientific experiences, their excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena will be sparked, encouraging them to ask their own questions and utilise relevant skills to explore answers.
Students will recognise that scientific ideas evolve over time and understand the profound impact this has had—and continues to have—on our lives and futures.
This holistic understanding will empower them to make informed choices and positively influence the world, enabling them to contribute to making it a better place.