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Lenthall Infant & Nursery School

 Pupil Premium

What is Pupil Premium?

The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding, provided as part of a Government initiative designed to address the under-achievement of disadvantaged pupils. These pupils are identified as those who are (or have been) eligible for free school meals (FSM), are looked after by the Local Authority (LAC), are children of service personnel (SC), or are adopted children (Post LAC).

Schools can decide how best to use this yearly additional funding but they must report how it is used to parents and evaluate its impact on the students mentioned above.

 Schools currently receive Pupil Premium funding as follows:


  • £1,455 per pupil per year for those whose families have registered for FSM or who have been registered for FSM at any point during the past 6 years. In addition
  • £2,530 for Looked After Children (LAC) and ‘post-LAC’ (e.g. Adopted From Care), although some of this may be centrally retained by Local Authority Virtual Schools.
  • £335 per year for ‘Service Pupil Premium’ of children of members of the armed forces.


  • £1,480 per pupil per year for those whose families have registered for FSM or who have been registered for FSM at any point during the past 6 years. In addition
  • £2,570 for Looked After Children (LAC) and ‘post-LAC’ (e.g. Adopted From Care), although some of this may be centrally retained by Local Authority Virtual Schools.
  • £340 per year for ‘Service Pupil Premium’ of children of members of the armed forces.

How is the funding used?

The key purpose of the Pupil Premium funding is to enable all pupils to reach their full potential. Each school may decide how best to use the funding to enable all its pupils to reach age-related expectations and are held accountable for how it has been used to support pupils from these families.

At Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, we recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and will do whatever it takes to support a child, both in and out of the classroom. We use all of our resources to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to become an empowered learner. In order to achieve this we offer our children a wide range of opportunities and we always make sure these are accessible to everyone.

Eligible pupils are always supported using this funding but the school may also target support for other children who are vulnerable and in need of additional support for a variety of reasons and wherever possible try to maximise the impact of this funding. Some of the funding is used to improve the quality of education for all pupils, and the way that we do this is outlined in the link to our Pupil Premium Strategy document below.

This system will check for eligibility and gives an immediate ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response, and will notify our school. As soon as you are registered, the school will provide your child with a hot dinner and you won’t have to pay.

Alternatively, you can speak to a member of the office staff, who will be able to assist you through this process or collect a form from them (all enquiries will be treated in confidence).

For more information on the Pupil Premium, please visit: