Pastoral Pod
Lenthall Infant and Nursery school are very proud of its relationships with parents/carers. Parents/carers are welcome to speak to teachers at drop off in the morning or at collection time in the afternoon. There is always the option of telephoning school or messaging to speak to a member of staff.
The Nest
We run a nurture group for children who need to build their confidence and self esteem. The children who are identified for this intervention are called 'The Robins' and they attend sessions within 'The Nest', three times weekly. This follows the Derbyshire Nurture Group model, and we have support staff who are trainined in Positive Play within school for children who need intensive one to one nurture support.
In our playground we have a ‘buddy bench’ and Year 2 Kindess Ambassadors who are trained to help children who struggle to join in with others.
Early Help
Mrs Moody, our Headteacher, acts as the school's Early Help Practitioner. She works with families to support them in a variety of ways on a range of issues, from parents/carers who just need a bit of advice or support, to families in need of more in-depth support. Mrs Moody is also supported in theis role by Miss Sam, who is the PODS Family Support Practition. Miss Sam works closely alongside Mrs Moody to further support pupils and families within our school.
Pupil Premium funding is used to offer additional support to children and their families as required.
We have a Designated Teacher for Children in Care: Mrs Moody.
Successful transitions are vital to children make a successful start to their school life. Miss Morris works closely with our feeder settings as part of our community feeder settings and we organise a variety of transition days and events throughout the academic year to ensure a smooth transition into the school and between classes. We hold regular open mornings/afternoons, parent/carer forums, ‘stay and play’ sessions to allow parents to come and work with the children on various activities in school.