One World - Ours!
Welcome To Our Global Green Gang Page!
Global Green Gang is an after school club for our Lenthall Learners who work hard behind the scenes to care about making Lenthall an eco-friendly school. We have done lots of different projects and activities throughout the year and enjoy exploring how we can collaborate with different people and on various projects to make our outdoor learning spaces even greener for both the children in our school and our wider community. Read on to find out more about what we have done and are planning... Would YOU like to join Global Green Gang?
This year, we have...
- Created a herb garden.
- Created a stunning community hub using furniture that was heading for landfill.
- Worked with Yorkshire Willow to construct a willow dome and tunnel.
- Worked with Junglewood, an Eco Family Friendly Business, to create playground equipment from reclaimed and recycled wood.
Why do we believe this important?
It will increase the confidence and expertise of our management team, wider staff team, children and governors in understanding climate change and how positive change can be achieved. It creates a culture that prioritises sustainability and enables us to share effective practice with other education settings. It allows us to use data to identify and prioritise action; improve energy and water efficiency, calculate our carbon emissions and identify ways to reduce them, which in time, should support a reduction of operating costs. It will increase resilience as we start adapting to the impacts of climate change, enhance biodiversity and help learners develop skills and knowledge which will help them to contribute to sustainability and climate change in their lives and future jobs.
We will be involving the children is important in climate action planning in the following ways:
- inspire their enthusiasm to help drive positive change
- increase their practical knowledge of sustainability and climate change
- give the children a sense of agency where anxiety stems from climate concerns
- create a sense of pride in their educational setting
- enable them to share their knowledge and enthusiasm in their local communities
- enable them to engage their parents, carers, and wider community in sustainability and climate change
- develop their understanding and passion for the natural world and ways to protect it
Our areas align with the:
- decarbonisation, for example calculating and taking actions to reduce carbon emissions, such as becoming more energy efficient
- adaptation and resilience, such as taking actions to reduce the risk of flooding and overheating
- biodiversity, for example engaging with the
- climate education and green careers, such as ensuring the education you provide gives knowledge-rich and comprehensive teaching about climate change
- increasing opportunities for access to nature (through our Outdoor Learning curriculum and learning with our Wellbeing and Forest School Lead)
We have worked with Cindi Blunt, a Climate Action Advisor (East Midlands) from Let's Go Zero to develop our Climate Action Plan.