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Lenthall Infant & Nursery School



Mathematics is vital in everyday life, and at Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, our purpose is to ensure every pupil, regardless of their needs, acquires the mathematical skills and knowledge necessary to solve problems, reason, think logically, and work systematically and accurately.

We introduce new mathematical concepts using a ‘Concrete, Pictorial, and Abstract’ approach, providing hands-on learning experiences that help children grasp new topics through clear models and images.

Daily practice of arithmetic and basic maths skills ensures that key concepts are embedded, enabling pupils to recall information and recognise links between different topics in maths.

Our curriculum is designed to be accessible for all learners, utilising manipulatives, visual representations, and a focus on key vocabulary to support children in understanding and explaining mathematical concepts.

We aim to ensure that children recognise the significance of maths in the wider world and can apply their mathematical skills and knowledge in various contexts. Our intention is for pupils to use their understanding of maths in science and other subjects. We want all children to enjoy mathematics, experience success, and develop their ability to reason mathematically.


Mathematics is a vital component of our curriculum and daily lessons at Lenthall Infant and Nursery School. Each unit of work is planned according to the National Curriculum objectives and follows the structure and progression outlined in the White Rose Maths termly overviews. Currently, lessons are crafted using White Rose schemes of learning 3.0, supported by resources from Master the Curriculum, Oak Academy and the NCETM Curriculum Prioritisation materials. These plans are adapted based on daily formative assessment outcomes and the DfE 'Ready to Progress' criteria, ensuring key vocabulary and stem sentences are integrated into each lesson.

Mathematics in EYFS

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, maths is essential for developing pupils’ confidence with numbers and their understanding of shape, space, and measures. This is achieved through:

  • Adult-led whole-class sessions
  • Adult-led small group activities
  • Planned and purposeful play (Continuous Provision and Curriculum Enhancements)

Mathematics in KS1

In Key Stage 1, we deliver daily maths lessons that include:

  • Recap of Previous Learning: A dedicated time for reviewing prior concepts using the White Rose Maths Flashback 4.

  • Fluency Practice: Daily opportunities for pupils to practise and embed essential fluency skills through activities like whole-class counting.

  • Guided Practice: Sessions where children work collaboratively on short activities, followed by a class discussion on various strategies.

  • Independent/Small Group Activities: Pupils apply their knowledge gained during guided practice in independent or small group tasks.


Attainment in mathematics is consistently measured throughout the year through formative assessment. At three assessment checkpoints, we track progress using White Rose Maths assessments and EazMag. For pupils operating below their year group expectations, we utilise ‘Power Statements’ derived from the DfE Ready to Progress criteria to identify and close learning gaps. If pupils haven't accessed Year 1 statements, we refer to pre-key stage statements instead.

Termly assessments monitor overall progress and identify gaps across different topics. During pupil progress meetings, we discuss any mathematical gaps for pupils not reaching expected levels and strategies to ensure rapid progress.

End of Key Stage Mathematics:

Although no longer statutory, data from standardised assessments for Year 2 are analysed to identify focus areas and measure the impact of our teaching practices.

Our Ultimate End Goal

What will our mathematicians be able to do when they leave us?

By the end of their time at Lenthall Infant and Nursery, our children will have a secure understanding of key mathematical concepts, enabling them to apply their knowledge across the wider curriculum. They will grasp the size of numbers and their position within the number system. Pupils will memorise essential number facts, such as number bonds and multiplication tables.

Our children will develop efficient calculation strategies, both mentally and using pencil and paper, and will be adept at solving number problems through recognising necessary operations. They will articulate their methods and reasoning, employing precise mathematical vocabulary, and will have strategies for verifying their answers when required.

Additionally, pupils will discern appropriate units for measuring and make sensible estimates. They will interpret data from graphs, diagrams, charts, and tables effectively.

Through our sequential, rigorous, and progressive maths curriculum, children will gain the skills needed for the next stage of their learning journey, empowering them to become engaged and positive members of their local community and the wider world.