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Lenthall Infant & Nursery School

Our Curriculum

At Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, we have developed our curriculum to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, inquisitive, confident, and successful learners with high aspirations. Our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that ignites and inspires curiosity about the wider world to help them develop their skills to become innovators of tomorrow.

We value the importance of providing first-hand experiences and broadening our learning through trips, visits, and outside visitors. We immerse our children in a language and vocabulary-rich curriculum which is carefully sequenced from EYFS to Year 2.

We develop children’s understanding through rich, connected learning opportunities and experiences so that our children can connect new knowledge with existing knowledge. There is a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social, and cultural understanding through our Cultural Community values.

Our curriculum is delivered through a variety of methods, including:

  • Real-life experiences and enrichment days
  • Classroom-based learning
  • Small group activities and 1:1
  • Using a variety of different learning resources and equipment to broaden and deepen knowledge
  • Making cross-curricular links where possible
  • Enrichment activities
  • Extra-curricular clubs
  • Diversity and celebration assemblies - BE PROUD
  • Visitors