At Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, our history curriculum fosters an understanding of the past and a foundational grasp of chronology. Through real-life experiences, exploration of artefacts, and enquiry-based learning challenges, learners will recall and discuss facts about historic events, places, and figures. We encourage our children to ask enquiring questions, evaluate information, and draw informed conclusions. Our aim is to ignite curiosity about history through engaging lessons, inviting visitors, and enriching educational trips.
We strive to deliver a progressive history curriculum that builds upon prior knowledge, fostering connections throughout the school. History is taught every term, focusing on the knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum, ensuring it holds equal importance to all subjects. Skills and knowledge are taught progressively and regularly, embedding them in the children’s long-term memory.
We prioritise excellent subject knowledge among teachers, supported by leadership for non-specialist instructors. Subject matter is presented clearly, with careful checks on learning to identify misconceptions, complemented by direct feedback. Our teaching approach ensures children know more and remember more. National Curriculum requirements are delivered using strategies aligned with our school ethos of awe and wonder, which includes:
- Working Walls
- Themed continuous provision
- Emphasis on vocabulary
- Carefully selected resources and related texts
At Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, we assess history through:
- Observation during lessons
- Oral responses to questions
- Marking of recorded work
- Pre- and post-assessment quizzes/tasks
- Formal skills and assessment checklists
At the end of each history unit or learning challenge, teachers make a summary judgement on each pupil's work against the success criteria. The history subject leader monitors progress and attainment termly through a triangulation of data, evidence in books, and children’s feedback.
Our Ultimate End Goal
What will our historians be able to do when they leave us?
By the end of their time at Lenthall Infant and Nursery School, our historians will possess a deep and broad understanding of local, British, and world history. They will be equipped with skills to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, and develop perspective and judgement.
Students will grasp historical concepts such as chronology, change, cause and consequence, similarities and differences, and the significance of events and their future impact. They will accurately use historical terms and vocabulary and learn to research independently using diverse historical sources.
Our historical learning experiences will ignite curiosity about the past and foster a positive attitude towards learning. Our children will leave with respect for diversity, a sense of social responsibility, and an appreciation for how past events have shaped their present and future.